Kishan Shah - CEO
What is your passion?
Creating stories, performing, self transformation and having conversations
What is one charitable cause that is close to you?
The plant world
What does Thiiird World mean to you?
A new way to serve
Describe yourself in three words.
Visionary, Compassionate, Seeker
Hatika Shah - Marketing head
What is your passion!
I’m passionate about keeping active, playing (and watching) sports and trying new foods and recipes
What is one charitable cause that is close to you?
Cancer research is a charitable cause close to my heart because the closest people in my life have fought and survived this unfair battle. Without them I wouldn’t be who I am today.
What does Thiiird World mean to you?
Thiiird World to me is a company which encompasses three key aspects of the human experience; passion, creativity and distinctiveness.
Describe yourself in three words.
Funny, hilarious and sarcastic
Studio Samarpan - Designer and affiliate
What is your passion?
Designing/ Painting, almost everything art
What is one charitable cause that is close to you?
Supporting Cancer children
What does Thiiird World mean to you?
a platform to understand, to connect and to assess yourself
Describe yourself in three words.
Passionate, creative, adaptive
Pooja Gandhi Shah - Designer and affiliate
What is your passion?
Creative living. It’s not really about the graphics or a form of design that drives me but it’s the idea that creativity can be used to solve the smallest daily problems and in turn can reflect where you are today and carry you to where you want to be.
What is one charitable cause that is close to you?
animal care - nothing brings my heart more joy than the life of an animal being saved and nourished. I find myself free from all and any anxiety when I am around animals and I hope to someday do the same for them.
What does Thiiird World mean to you?
A world of possibilities. It’s reflective, honest and filled with intention. It’s cloudy, clear, harsh and soft - it’s real and divine.
Describe yourself in three words.
reflective, creative, caffeinated
Tibor - Artist
What is your passion?
My passion is to find the beauty in ordinary and to find the way to shere it.
What is one charitable cause that is close to you?
Most of the time when buying some food and if I see a homeless person I share some groceries.
What does Thiiird World mean to you?
Purpose, precision and passionate
Three words to describe my self:
passionate, responsible, warmhartedness
Shimon - Marketing team
My passion
A charitable cause that is close to me
Any institution or company that initiates a powerful thorough educational movement in order to aid those who are less fortunate and less privileged.
What does Thiiird World mean to you?
It suggests a platform which encounters and encourages change. One that allows an individual to embark on their own spiritual journey and transform the life of others around them.
Three words to describe yourself
Kind, blissful and ambitious
Reanna - Marketing team
What is your passion?
My passion is drawing, painting - anything art related! I also love to write whenever I have the time!
What is one charitable cause that is close to you?
A charitable cause close is LOROS. Loros is a cancer hospice based in Leicester, and through my uncle's final months, they loved, cared, and made the end to his life beautiful.
What does Thiiird World mean to you?
I can’t wait for Thiiird World. It’ll be an amazing medium to not only connect to ourselves, but connect to others socially.
Describe yourself in three words.
free, wild & happy
Ria Talsania - Editor - picture
What is your passion?
Telling stories- acting, scripting, creating moments that touch people’s heart
What is one charitable cause that is close to you?
SRMD - Women empowerment
What does Thiiird World mean to you?
Thiiird World is a place for people to come closer to themselves and see a new perspective
Describe yourself in three words.
Free spirited, devoted, magical
Kinjal Jhaveri - Editor
What is your passion?
I am passionate about travel! The world is a beautiful place with so much to offer and so much to learn from.
What is one charitable cause that is close to you?
Shrimad Rajchandra Love & Care is a cause very close to my heart. The way their 10 Care Programme encompasses the needs of such a plethora of living beings is compassion in action and super inspiring.
What does Thiiird World mean to you?
Thiiird World is passion personified! As very aptly put in the foreword of Diary of a Pilgrim, "In the most precious way, [Kishan's] burning fire for ‘more’ is contagious." Thiiird World is another passionate manifestation of this very 'burning fire'. A place to share ideas, get inspired, and expand our horizons.
Describe yourself in three words. (you can choose whichever lols)
Foodie, Honest, Friendly